Guia de Cabañas Guia de Cabañas

Sierras de Córdoba


Argentina / Sierras de Córdoba
> Achiras
> Agua de Oro
> Alta Gracia
> Anisacate
> Arroyo de los Patos
> Capilla del Monte
> Córdoba
> Cura Brochero
> El Durazno
> Embalse Río Tercero
> Huerta Grande
> Icho Cruz
> Intiyaco
> La Cumbre
> La Cumbrecita
> La Falda
> Lago Los Molinos
> Las Calles
> Las Rabonas
> Loma Bola - La Paz
> Los Cocos
> Los Hornillos
> Los Reartes
> Mayu Sumaj
> Mina Clavero
> Nono
> Panaholma
> Potrero de Garay
> Río Ceballos
> San Antonio de Arredondo
> San Javier
> San Lorenzo - Traslasierra
> San Marcos Sierras
> San Miguel de los Ríos
> Santa Mónica de Calamuchita
> Santa Rosa de Calamuchita
> Tanti
> Valle Hermoso
> Villa Berna
> Villa Carlos Paz
> Villa del Dique
> Villa General Belgrano
> Villa Giardino
> Villa Rumipal
> Yacanto de Calamuchita
Sierras de Córdoba
Sierras de Córdoba

Located at the centre of Argentina, this mountain range shows a singular natural beauty, tells us about the eloquent history and describes the profiles of the cultures that formed the region, in addition to offer all the tourist infrastructure that has been characterizing it for decades.

It politically comprises almost all the splendour of Córdoba and San Luis provinces. When the tourist knows this homeland, he or she meets the significant potential related to activities that can be made.
The seducer mountain landscapes, the Altas Cumbres road, the magnificent engineering works in many dams, the artificial lakes ideal for fishing and nautical activities, the Jesuit Ranches, unforgettable mountain ascents; and vigorous and modern cities with their own cultural life are the main axes that motivate tourism during the whole year.
This conglomerate of pleasant images is ideal to make 4 x 4 trips, trekking, horse rides, mountain bike, photographic safaris, rural tourism tasting the mountain flavours in ecological farms and to make an exceptional trip to the past, doing historical and cultural tourism through sites which have been declared Humanity’s Patrimony.
For these and other reasons the central mountains are the best option in the heartland.
Córdoba, capital of the province of the same name, is the second biggest city of the country. Its geographical position, in the centre of the argentine continental territory, has transformed it in a focal point for industrial and commercial activity. Different orders have built churches and convents bequeathing their reach architecture to the city. The first university and one of the first bishoprics were born here.
It is one of the most ancient and populous cities of Argentina. Many routes to Córdoba’s mountains start there, sprinkled with quiet colonial hermitage and to tourist sites like Villa Carlos Paz, Cosquín, La Falda, La Cumbre, Capilla del Monte, Alta Gracia, Villa General Belgrano, La Cumbrecita, Santa Rosa de Calamuchita y Mina Clavero, among others.
Paseos y Excursiones Recomendados en Sierras de Córdoba Total: 299
Villa Allende
Por su cercanía a la Ciudad de Córdoba y particulares paisajes, diferentes artistas plásticos establecieron sus residencias en el lugar, entre ellos, Lino Spilimbergo, cuya casa, que habitó desde 1952 hasta su muerte en 1964, fue convertida en m...
Villa General Belgrano
Dique los Molinos y Potrero de Garay
Saliendo por la entrada norte de Villa General Belgrano, tomando la Ruta Provincial Nº 5 hacia Córdoba capital a unos 8 kms., un arco sobre mano izquierda nos indica la entrada a Villa Ciudad Parque Los Reartes. Continuando sobre la misma ruta a unos...
Embalse Río Tercero

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