Guia de Cabañas Guia de Cabañas

Buenos Aires


Argentina / Buenos Aires
> Azul
> Bahia San Blas
> Balcarce - Laguna La Brava
> Balneario San Cayetano
> Baradero
> Chascomús
> Ciudad de Buenos Aires
> Delta del Tigre
> Mercedes
> Ramallo
> San Antonio de Areco
> San Pedro
> Sierra de la Ventana
> Sierra de los Padres
> Tandil
> Villa Ventana
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires

This place comprises one of the richest and most productive areas of Argentina, because it is located in the immensity of pampa’s plain, only interrupted by Tandilia and Vetania orographic systems.

It is the entrance door for immigration and offers a big cultural diversity. It is the land of ‘gauchos’ and traditions, but also of an intense industrial and commercial activity. Politically, it comprises the north, the centre and south of Buenos Aires province. As it is the nation’s cosmopolite centre, we have divided Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Capital Federal) into four areas, considering the remarkable economic, social and cultural features of each one.
Buenos Aires’ tourist offer is about history, reflected in the French and Italian architecture, with many museums, theatres, cultural and shopping centres. The rural tourism invites you to do country and hunting typical activities, with lodging at centennial ranch houses and the possibility to breathe the plain’s fresh air while we wait to taste the traditional roasted meat (‘asado criollo’).
The minitourism in localities as Mercedes, Pilar, San Isidro, Tigre and Chascomús, or the intense fishing journeys at Buenos Aires’ lagoons is another interesting option.
The adventure tourism in Tandil and Sierra de la Ventana complements the tourist promise of this place. 
Paseos y Excursiones Recomendados en Buenos Aires Total: 130
Villa Ventana
Circuito de artesanos
Un paseo obligado por las callecitas arboladas de la Villa para reconfortarse con las hermosas artesanías que ofrecen sus pobladores.
Sierra de la Ventana
Pesca con Mosca
Las Sierras de la Ventana son un grupo de elevaciones de origen paleozoico cuyo punto más alto es el Cerro Tres Picos (1239 mts), gracias a las precipitaciones (650 a 750 mm anuales) se forman un buen número de ríos y arroyos de características muy p...
Delta del Tigre
Deportes Acuáticos
Es el escenario de deportes relacionados con el agua, como remo, yachting, esquí acuático, regatas, motonáutica, surf, wakeboard, pesca, no por nada Tigre es la Cuna del Remo. También hay diversas escuelas donde dictan clases de esqui acuático y wake...

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