Guia de Cabañas cabins in san clemente del tuyú

Cabins in San Clemente del Tuyú


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Departments in San Clemente del Tuyú

Susurros del Mar Duplex Calle 71 Nº 58 02252-522193
PALMERAS DEL TUYU Av.Segunda N° 275 E/ Talas y Calle 20 (02252) 527-221
LOS MELLIS Calle 79 Nº 44 Entre Av. Costanera y Calle 1 (02252) 15 403880
LLAR CALIU Calle 77 nº 410 e/ calle 20 y av III 02252 421431
LIBELULAS LOFT Calle 8 N° 2951 (02257)15-58-5268
La Casa de San Clemente Calle 16 Nº 170 (02252) 52-1326
LA CASA DE MAMA Calle 4 N° 2472 (011) - 4236-2034
EL CONDADO Calle 32 bis N° 34 e/ Costanera y Peatonal 1 (011) 15 6453 9778
DUPLEX ANTONIO Av. Talas del Tuyú 3142 (011) 15-6093-9909
DUPLEX ALBERTO Calle 1 Nº 4010 Esq.79 (02252) 43-0430
DON GABINO Calle 18 N° 3166 (0221) 421-9250
DEPARTAMENTO TIPO CASA Av. II Nº 485 (02252) 52-6672
DEPARTAMENTO GUSTAVO Avda Tercera N° 2820 e/ 11 y Avda 1ª (02252) 525060
COMPLEJO SAN CLEMENTE Calle 78 nº 133 02477/428019
COMPLEJO CUATRO SOLES DEL MAR Calle 1 N' 3278 02252 15 415-965
BERILDE I Calle 1 Nº 2151 Entre: 2 y 3 02257-15635037
ATLANTIDA Calle 25 N° 363 e/ calle 4 y 5 (02252) 52-1326

Cabins in San Clemente del Tuyú

LA ESTRADA CABAÑAS Calle 21 N 380 0237-4639720
Complejo Liwen Calle 78 Nro 190 esquina 1 bis (02252) 421-291
Cabañas Playa del Sol Calle 62 esquina 20 (02257) 15-588-700

Apart Hotels in San Clemente del Tuyú

Bs.As. Mar Av. Costanera 2359 (02252) 52-5222
Cabins in San Clemente del Tuyú
Video de Cabañas San Clemente heads resorts chain comprising the Party of La Costa. Very close to the junction of the Rio de la Plata on the Atlantic Ocean, is visited throughout the year.

Its main attractions are the Mundo Marino and the Thermes Marins. Is itself one of the attractive seaside resorts Argentina thanks to its beaches and dunes, it has joined the sport fishing. In its vicinity are protected areas, so the natural wildlife are maintained in an acceptable condition.

To the north lies Punta Rasa, which aims to protect one of the resting and feeding stations used by migratory birds on their long journeys. To the west lies the National Park Tuyú fields, created primarily to preserve stocks that were past pampas deer and pampas deer in the province. San Clemente also is called as the "tourist capital of the region."

Dunes of San Clemente
The dunes bordering the sea is the first warning to tourists who want to enjoy the beaches. The dunes can reach up to 5 m feature varies with vegetation planted and natural events very easily. In some areas the Avenida Costanera is constituted on the basis of the dune and in some sectors is completely flat and has this avenue on the tarmac with a modern boulevard. Fishing Pier
Your breakwater is 250 m, of which 100 are exclusive for fishermen. Built of reinforced concrete, has a height ranging from 4 to 6 m. It features lighting, rental rods, mediomundos, bait, shelters, restrooms and a restaurant where you can enjoy the city and the sea. Sport fishing has led to the holding of the national holiday of the black drum. Camping in San Clemente. Detailed information, images, prices and discounts Cabins San Clemente.
Cabañas en San Clemente del Tuyú. Información detallada, imágenes, precios y descuentos de Cabañas en San Clemente del Tuyú. Excelentes ofertas de Cabañas en San Clemente del Tuyú. Detalles e información de alojamientos en la ciudad de San Clemente del Tuyú. Cabañas , Aparts y spa para disfrutar de las vacaciones junto a toda la familia. Consulta los precios de cabañas en San Clemente del Tuyú. Tenemos el listado más amplio de Cabañas y Aparts baratos en San Clemente del Tuyú y alojamientos de primera categoría. Además, información de excursiones, paseos y rutas gastronómicas.

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